CyFair Federal Credit Union en Español
From CyFair’s FCU Blog, June 1, 2020.
In 2019, we received the Juntos Avanzamos designation from Inclusiv for our dedication and commitment to serving the Hispanic community. In 2020, we are proud to continue these efforts by launching our fully translated website in Spanish. Cy-Fair FCU en Español, allows us to better serve our Spanish-speaking members and community as it provides access to all of our products and services in their primary language.
Web Browser: Select the Spanish tab in the upper right corner.
This important milestone is part of our Hispanic initiative, which is a culmination of several years of work starting with the board’s leadership in 2013. Over the past years, Cy-Fair FCU has committed to strong bilingual recruiting efforts to better assist the Spanish-speaking members of our community. Today, nearly 35% of Cy-Fair FCU’s employees are bilingual. Additionally, for our members that feel more comfortable conducting financial business in Spanish, we have also added new products like the Buena Vida Loan, ITIN lending, Spanish-language online banking, online bill-pay, and forms (just to name a few).
Mobile Device: Select the Spanish tab under the navigation bar.
People of Hispanic heritage make up approximately 43% of residents in Harris County and nearly 45% in the Cypress-Fairbanks community. That is larger than any other resident population in our community and it is anticipated to grow to 48% in the coming years. While large in numbers, though, this important community is substantially under-served and their financial service needs under-represented. As a Juntos Avanzamos designated credit union, we are working to change that. Serving the Hispanic community is not only a demonstrable fulfillment of our mission as not-for-profit financial cooperatives, but it is also forward-thinking good business. When Hispanic residents feel confident and welcomed, they plant roots with those they trust and bring repeat business. These efforts are designed to get us one step closer to earning that trust.
Cy-Fair FCU is a local and global leader championing financial inclusion. In addition to the work that has earned us the Juntos Avanzamos designation, CFFCU is a proud financial supporter of international development projects in Latin America and around the world through the World Council of Credit Unions. We believe that financial inclusion should be available to everyone, everywhere.